Monday 1 September 2014

Trip to Kingston, Black River and YS Falls

Friday morning we got a call from the RS president telling us that Sister R wanted to go home.  Brian  called Sister Walker and asked her to call R and talk to her.  He was worried about trying to get her home.  R speaks a fast Patwah and she is hard to understand.  Even Sister Walker had a hard time understanding her when she called.  I guess she had had surgery on Wednesday to relieve some of the liquid that was building up in her stomach.  We got a text while we were in Kingston telling us that she had passed away.   What a blessing for her to leave.  She was in a lot of pain.  I was happy that her daughter got to visit with her before she died.

We  went to Lime Hall to get our car washed and review the Melchizedec Priesthood with W.  He had been helping a neighbor cut down some branches the day before and one of the branches had a syrupy  substance that burned his fore head and eye.  He told us that he had spent most of the night trying to soothe the burn.  He was saying the closing prayer and the thought aloe vera came into my mind.  I mentioned that in Arizona they had those plants and he told me that he had one growing in his yard.  I told him to break off a piece and put in on his burn.  Sunday he told us that his burn was a lot better.

We drove to Kingston that afternoon and headed to the mission office.  With the new freeway, we probably saved 1/2 hour on our trip.  I don't dread it so much anymore.  After leaving the office, we went to Murdocks.  We got to meet the Whiteheads who are our new humanitarian couple.  They are taking the Murdocks place.  They had been here two years ago and the Murdocks replaced them.  They came back when Kingston was made a stake and President Brown asked them to come back so they did.  They will complete all the projects that the Murdocks were not able to finish.  They are from Preston Idaho and Sister Whitehead  reminds me a lot of my cousin Jacque so I really like being around her.  Elder Whitehead has a head full of white hair so people have an easy time remembering him from the last time they were here.  They will probably be here for 6 - 9 months.  We spent the night with the Murdocks.

Saturday,  President Brown and his family, Sister Wege, the Murdocks, the Whiteheads and Brian and myself met at the mission office at 6:30 a.m. and then drove in the mission van to Black River.  It is a 3 1/2 hour drive.  We met up with President Pearson and the Vances at Black River.  We took a trip on a small boat (like the ones you take for the jungle cruise in Disney Land) down the river. There are a lot of crocodiles in the river.  We probably saw four or five.  It was interesting to hear about the birds and  the plants that grow along the banks It was an overcast day and it was probably the coolest that we have been since we arrived in Jamaica.  It was wonderful.

From Black River we headed back in the direction that we came and went up to YS Falls.  Because we had our missionary badges and we were in a group, it only cost us $8.00 a piece to get in.  They have tractors pulling a flat bed coach to get us up to the falls.   We all brought lunches to eat and then some of the couples went on the zip line but we decided to wait and do it with our children.  President Brown and his children swam.  Brian left his suit at the Murdocks so we decided walk up to the falls.  It was a beautiful area and very peaceful.  Someone was telling us that the people who purchased the land paid $7,000.00 for the property and bought it without seeing it.  Can you imagine their surprise when they saw the falls.  A lot of people like to go there so it has been a very good investment.  They have quite a few horses on the property.  On the way back we drove through Mandeville.  President Brown showed us where Elder Ballard  dedicated the land for the preaching of the gospel in Jamaica.  We also saw the church there.  President Brown grew up in Mandeville and it is probably 10 degrees cooler there.  It is a beautiful place.  You also see a lot of expensive homes.  Most of the owners live in the states and come back in the Winter.  We got back to Kingston around 7:30.  I wasn't big on driving back to Ocho in the dark so we stayed the night with the Murdocks.

Sunday morning we left Kingston around 5:45 and headed to Ocho.  We knew Brian was going to be made branch president so we had to get back. It is amazing how fast your mission life can change.  I know he will do a good job.  After church, I waited around for Brian to complete some branch business.  President Brown had some branch business to take care and was planning on stopping by our apartment  to give Brian some instructions.  I had four chicken tenders and some potatoes and carrots and onions so I made a soup.  I also cooked up some rice and we invited President Brown to eat with us.  We knew he would be hungary as he had been in Ocho all day.  I had planned to grocery shop in Kingston but never did make it to Price Mart so I  was pretty low on food items. I thought President Brown would set Brian apart but he is already set apart as a missionary and he holds the keys of the branch through President Brown's authority.  After President Brown left we picked up Sister V and headed to Sister R's family to give them a message and a family home evening.  Brian conducted and did a very good job.  He gave a message and Tracy also gave a really good message on the Savior.  Brian then asked each of the children to share something about their mother.  Sister R and her husband have been separated for some time.  I do not know if he is still active but he was there and even gave the closing prayer.  It turned out to be a very good evening.  Both the elders and the sisters were there also.  We had this evening planned before she died and we were grateful that the family still wanted us to come.

When we got back to the apartment we had a lot of phone calls wishing me a happy birthday.  We got to bed around midnight.
Looking at a crocodile from the boat.  The Whiteheads with two of the Brown children.

President Brown's son holding a baby crocodile.  There is an elastic around its mouth.

One of the larger crocodiles.

YS Falls

Some of the trees along Black River

Brian and I standing by the falls

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