Sunday was a busy day for us. President Brown attended the branch so that he could give Brian two counselors and ordain two of our branch members to the Melchizedek Priesthood. It was fast and testimony meeting so it was nice to hear the testimonies of the branch members. We had some investigators and also some less actives attend. There was a lot going on after church. Brain met with brother Barbegee and Rohan for a meeting and it was close to 5 before they were finished. I visited with Rohan's wife Tracy and her four children while they were having their meeting. Her children watched a few church videos on my ipad. It has become a popular item so I have to watch it pretty closely. We stopped in to see the L before heading for home. M was not feeling well and when she described her symptoms, we figured that she had the mosquito virus that is going around. We enjoyed visiting with M, her mother, and her sister E. It was interesting to hear them talk about the branch as they have been around for awhile. It was close to 7:30 before we ate dinner. We had the opportunity to skype with Jenny and Wade before we went to bed.
Do you ever wake up in the morning and the whole day seems a little off. That was Monday. It was suppose to be P-day but not so much. We went to the bank early so Brian could get his signature on record. After waiting in line for an hour (typical time) we were told that he did not have all the signatures he needed and that he needed two references from someone who banks at the bank and has known him for two years. He informed them that no one in Jamaica has known him for more than two months. They decided he could have the mission office send a letter and also our bank at home. He also needed to have his tax number on the document and he couldn't remember where he put it. The first time he went to the bank, the clerk gave him forms and told him what to do but I guess that was not enough. It is like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing around here. It wouldn't be so badWhile Brian was at the bank, I went to the branch building to meet with the electrician so that we could get one of our lights replaced. He told me that I just needed to hit the light switch fast two times and it would go on. That seemed to work. Brian met me at the branch and he worked on a few things at the office. When we left it was pouring rain. We went home for lunch and luckily we found the receipt for the tax numbers. I had mine with my copied passport. Brian's was in my purse with a telephone number on it. I was so thankful that I hadn't thrown it away. I made a batch of cookies for the baptism that we were having at our condo at 5:00 and then we went to Brother L's to get a signature and also out to Brother Barbagees. It was raining the whole time. When we got back at 4:30, Brian dropped me off and then left to pick up Rohan for the baptism and get his signature on the papers. I tried to open the door with the key and it would not open. All I could think of was that I had a few things I needed to get done before everyone arrived. I was just praying that the door would open and it finally opened about 10 minutes before Brian got back. We had the baptismal service in our condo and then went to the pool. The baptismal clothing was for adults and we had to make it work for a 10 and 11 year old. The kids were so funny about the clothing. It was pretty funny. The baptism was nice, Eli, the father of the two children baptized them. He got the Aaronic Priesthood on Sunday so that he could perform the ordinance. He seemed very happy. We came back to the condo and Eli and his children bore their testimonies and then we visited for a while. The elders had invited B to the baptism and he seemed to enjoy it. Brian took the missionaries to their next appointment after the baptism while I mopped up the mud that was on the tile from all the rain. When Brian got back, I heated up some leftovers and we had another late night of eating dinner.
Tuesday started out very early for Brian. It was transfer day and he had to go to Port Antonio to pick up the four elders and then take them to Spanish Town which is another 2 1/2 hours away and then pick up the new elders and deliver them to Port Antonio and then drive back to Ocho. He got home around 7:30. I stayed home and did laundry, defrost the refrigerator, iron, and work on my lesson for seminary. I skyped with Jill. We had a nice visit. I would have gone with Brian but there was not enough room for all the missionaries plus myself. It was nice to get some things done around here. Ben called to tell us about some plumbing problems at home. We are grateful that he is there to take care of things.
Today we drove back down to Port Antonio with the sisters for district meeting. I got to meet the new elders. That drive takes a real chunk out of the day - especially when you only spend about 1 1/2 hours there and then turn around to come back. We did find out that Elder Jones lives in the South Dakota Mission where Wade Anderson's father is mission president. He lives in Wyoming but close enough to South Dakota to be in that mission.
The pictures are not in order. My downloads show up all over the place.
Driving into Port Antonio |
Eli with Tashera and Rashero |
District Meetin
Back Row: Elder Beldavis from Jamaica, Elder Guthrie from Peoria, AZ, Elder Havili from Oregon, Elder Lewis from Jamaica, Elder Jones from Wyoming, and Elder Hall from Canada
Front Row: Sister Walker from Jamaica and Sister Mouritsen from Kaysville Ut. |
Elder Wilkerson from Mt. Green, B, and Elder Hall from Canada |
Driving through Port Antonio |
Baptismal service in our condo. From left to right, Elder Hall, B, Elder Wilkerson, Sister Austin from Los Vegas, and sister Mouritsen |
Baptismal service in our condo. Rohan, Tracy and Sister Walker sitting on the couch. |
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