Friday 26 September 2014

Sarah married Steve today

Today we picked up Brother J and took him to Huddersfield so that he could help us put the tarp on the N home.  Afterwards we made a trip out to Port Maria to see Sister N.  From her house you could hear the waves of the ocean.  She has a beautiful view of the ocean.  I asked her what it was like in a hurricane.  She told me they loved to watch the waves and the wind just seemed to blow over their home.  She has lived there for 27 years.  She has been a member of the church for about a year now.  It was her sister that finally got her to read the Book of Mormon.  She told me that when she did, she knew the church was true.  It was her sister that we had the funeral for last Saturday.

Tonight I was listening  to the talk that Elder Holland gave at BYU-Idaho.  It is well worth listening to.  He talked about the pursuit of happiness.  As I thought about happiness, I thought about Sarah getting married in the Salt Lake Temple today.  I thought about my family being together and being in the Temple with her and how much fun they must be having.  I thought about Justin and Tennille attending the Boston Temple and enjoying this week together. Happiness is knowing that the Savior atoned for our sins. It is living the gospel.  It  is the eternal nature of the family.  It is serving a mission with a worthy priesthood holder.  I will be eternally grateful that I was raised in a good home where the gospel was taught and where I felt loved.  These are the important things.  I am feeling very blessed tonight and  a little sad also that I wasn't able to be there with Sarah and my family.

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