Sunday we left the condo at 8:30. Brian wanted to get there early. When we got to the branch, H was asleep on the information desk. Our branch is in a commercial building. It is on the second floor and the flight of stairs is a bit hard for a few members in the branch. The grocery store is on the main floor so it makes it convenient for shopping because we can park free. H had worked all night and walked over to the building after his shift. He fell asleep while he was waiting for us to get there. I didn't have the heart to wake him up so we just left him there so he could get a little more sleep before the meeting started. Elder Jones and Sister Mouretson gave the talks in Sacrament meeting and they did a very good job. After the block, I waited over an hour for Brian to finish. We stopped off at L on the way home. They are good people to talk to when it comes to the branch. They have been around for awhile.
Monday morning I made a batch of cookies for Tracy and Rohan. Tracy was suppose to cut my hair at 4:30 but Brian had made an appointment with a couple in our ward at 4:00 so I had to change the time to Tuesday. When I asked Tracy how much a hair cut was, she said a batch of cookies. I told her I would make cookies and pay her also. Brian and I tried to visit some less actives before his appointment but we didn't have much success getting in touch with them. We headed for home after his appointment.
Tuesday we drove out to Mango Valley to drop something off for Sister N. She was at her school and we were able to meet her teacher. She is taking some classes with the PEF program so that she can get a job to help out with her family. Her teacher's name was Cinderella. I think she was impressed with our PEF program. One the way back, we stopped at Sister N's home so that we could measure her house for the tarp that the Whiteheads were going to pick up for her. Every time it rains, her house leaks. Her house measured 13' by 13'. If you ever feel like your house is too small, think again. From there we went back to Ocho to pick up Rohan and drop him off at his home. We then went home so that I could change my shirt and then went back to Rohan's so that Tracy could cut my hair. After the hair cut we went back to the branch so Brian could get some things worked out with the MLS. President Medley instructed him over the phone.
Wednesday we left the condo at 6:30 for zone meeting in Montego Bay. We took the elders with us. The sisters were suppose to meet us at the elders at 6:45 but they were running late so we told them to try and catch up with us. Sister Mouretson had never driven to Montego Bay so she was a bit nervous about finding the chapel. Brian drove slower than usual hoping that they would catch up. They never did. Elder Hall had to give them directions to the chapel. The zone leaders did a great job and it was very inspirational. We had a nice visit with Elder and Sister Pearson while we were there. After the meeting we stopped at Mega-Mart in Montego Bay so that the elders could get a bite to eat and we could do some shopping. It is like Walmart. I wish I would have had more time to shop. It was a lot of fun to be in a store that big and find items that were less expensive than the Ocho stores. It rained quite a bit as we were heading home. It was almost 4:00 by the time we got home. The rest of the evening was spent in studying and doing odds and ends.
Today Elder and Sister Whitehead came up from Kingston to bring us a tarp for Sister N's house. We drove out with the Whiteheads so that he could determine what was needed. We needed a ladder so we called Brother J in our branch and he said he would check on one for us. When we got to Brother J's home, the man that he was going to borrow the ladder from was not home. He told us that he would go with us tomorrow to work on the roof. We went with the Whiteheads to buy lumber to secure the tarp to and then stopped for lunch at the Jerk Center. I had jerk pork and Brian had jerk chicken. It was so fun to spend some time with the Whiteheads. After they left, I worked on my seminary lesson only to have no one show up. I did have a young girl who has been working with the sisters stop by. She told me that she had to leave in 10 minutes so I showed her the video that I was going to show my students. She seemed to enjoy it and asked me about the PEF program. Her mother is a member but lives in Kingston. This young girl takes care of her grandfather who lives in the direction of Montego Bay. I am not sure how far out she lives but I think it is at least an hour. She is still in high school. No one showed up for institute so Brian and I went grocery shopping and then headed for home.
Sister N's children. Sdoes not have a shirt on because she hates to wear them. The little girl in pink is either a granddaughter or a neighbor. The building to the right of the picture is where they cook their food. |
This is the N's home. They have three children. There are two twin beds inside. She had it looking very tidy. |
Brian's branch office. He hasn't changed the decor of the office yet. |
Primary room. Notice that there are no windows. The two other classrooms look a lot like this one and they do not have windows either. |
This is where we hold our branch meetings. This is looking back towards the door. |
This is the front of the chapel, Sunday school room, and RS room. We also hold district meetings, seminary and institute here. |
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