Saturday 23 August 2014

New Granddaughter

Last night at 12:13 Jamaica time, Jenny gave birth to our 44th grandchild.  We are even now with 22 granddaughters and 22 grandsons.  Jill's son will be our tie breaker.  I miss being there to help her.  We skyped tonight and baby Lauryn is beautiful.

Wednesday we traveled to Montego Bay for zone conference.  This was our very first one and we were privileged to have a general authority.  Elder Cornish was our visiting authority and he was very informative and enjoyable to listen to.  It was a treat also to hear from President Brown and his wife and  Sister Cornish.  President Pearson also gave a power point on how a missionary apartment should look.  He did a great job.  After the meeting we went into town so that Sister Walker could visit with her brother.  He has been less active and President Brown gave her permission to talk to him.  We left our apartment at 6:30 and didn't get home that night until 7:15.

Brian was asked to teach the temple preparation class Thursday night so we spent most of the day Thursday working on lesson preparation.  I worked on Seminary.  Brian put most of his lesson on power point and I think that was very helpful to the sister that was taking his class.  We were asked by President Lester to speak in church on Sunday.  I decided to give my talk on the law of tithing.  Brian decided to use some of his talk from the talk that he gave at BYU Hawaii.

Friday we went into Lime Hall so that Wayne could wash our truck.  It really wasn't very dirty but we knew that Wayne probably wouldn't have enough money for his taxi fare for church on Sunday if we didn't get it washed.  The place where we usually wash the car had very little water so we went further down the mountain to the river, which was dry.  The pipe coming out of the ground had water.  It took Wayne about an hour to wash the car.  We were going to give him the second priesthood lesson but the elders called and needed the keys to the branch so we had to leave early.  We picked up a few groceries at the store under the branch while we were waiting for the elders to arrive and then left for home.  We spent the evening working on our talks.

Our first item on the agenda for today was to return to Lime Hall to teach Wayne.  He also had left his cell phone in the car so we needed to get it back to him.  We got a call in the morning from Sister Pearson asking us to pick up some telfa bandages for one of the elders in Linstead.  Elder Biddulph was riding his bike down a hill when the handlebar broke.  He took a nose dive into the ground and ended up with a chipped tooth, stitches and a swollen lip.  We drove to Lime Hall to teach Wayne and then stopped at a pharmacy for supplies and then headed for Linstead.  We got home around 1:30.  We ate lunch, did a little studying and then headed with the sisters to Brother Francis's home to teach a priesthood lesson.  We dropped the sisters off and then decided to visit Sister Martin and Sister Vassiana.  Afterwards we stopped to gas up the truck before heading home for the night.

Water pipe coming out of the ground

Wayne standing in front of our clean truck.  Wayne is 44.

Sister Walker with her brother.  He works as a chef in Montego Bay  and has a very pleasant personality.

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