Thursday, 31 July 2014

Lime Hall

Last night we noticed that our internet was off.  I asked Brian if payment was due and he didn't think so as we did not have our internet connected until July 9.  Just to make sure, he looked at the agreement that we signed and it said that payment was due on the 28 of each month.  The first thing we did this morning was go to the "FLOW" office to pay our bill.  Brian walked up to the counter and said that he was there to repent.  That got a few laughs.  Anyway, they hadn't turned off our internet, we just had to reset our box because it wasn't working right.  We did pay two months in advance just for peace of mind.

Afterwards, we left for Lime Hall as we had made arrangements for Wayne to wash our truck.  On Monday we ran into the sisters and Brian asked them where they get their truck washed and they mentioned Wayne.  It gives him extra money and it helps pay for his taxi to get to church.  The sisters pay him $5.00 to wash the outside.  Since we were planning on meeting up with him anyway, we thought this would be a great idea.  We met Wayne by the water pipe that is in front of the cemetery.  I really wanted to take a picture of the cemetery but there were other people there and I didn't want to show disrespect to their dead so I decided to wait.  They bury the dead above ground and it is interesting to see the array of cement boxes of varying shapes and sizes.  While Wayne was washing the truck, people would come to the water pipe to fill up their containers.  There is a lot of water underground but some of the people do not  have a way to get it to their homes.  When it rains, they collect water in barrels so that they have a supply on hand.  It is very dry right now.  Kingston got rain today and with the  cloud cover, I thought for sure we would get some rain but so far we have not.  One man at the water pipe struck up a conversation with us.  He said the government would like us to believe it is climate change, but God is in charge and He knows what He is doing.  It was fun to talk to him.  There are a lot of good Christian people here.

When Wayne was finished with the truck, we gave him $10.00 and  a ride to his house.  He did a great job.  We later found out that Elder Hall (we replaced he and his wife) had been paying him $15.00.  Wayne is the member who makes the wicker furniture.  He is 44 but he looks like he is in his 30's.  He dropped out of school when he was 14.  He reads to us from the Book of Mormon and we help him with the words that he cannot figure out.  I asked him about comprehension.  He told me that he will read a verse over and over again until he understands what it is saying.   After we finished reading with him, we took him back to the water pipe to fill up some containers and then we headed back home.  Wayne has been a member for 7 months.

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