We left Ocho Rios around 12:30 and headed for Port Antonio. The elders had a service project that they wanted to use the truck for. We also wanted to attend the branch for Sunday services as we had not had a chance to do that. Upon arrival we decided to try a new hotel. It was cheaper and we liked the location but the bed wasn't as comfortable and the breakfast they provided was not as good as the Hotel Tim Bamboo. While we were checking in, two of the elders called us and they needed to be picked up because the derailer on one of the bikes broke and they were some distance from their apartment. They had visited a sister who lives back in the hills and ended up doing a service project for her. The timing and location couldn't have been better. On our way back to the apartment, one of the other elders had called because his tire had become flat. By the time we got to the apartment, we had four bikes in our truck and four elders in the back seat. We have 3 Jamaican elders and one American elder serving in Port Antonio. They are great! The elders changed their clothes and we headed for our first service project. Upon arrival, we climbed a trail that led to a small makeshift hut. The family is moving to another location that is by the wife's mother. We picked up corrugated tin and some boards and then delivered them to the father of the family. We then stopped at another member's home and moved some dirt off the road so that they could use it for making some cement slabs. I have learned that you can do some amazing things with very little.
After our projects, we dropped the elders off and headed for our hotel so that Brian could shower. Two of the elders had arranged for us to do some visiting. You would not believe the roads we drove on. I was grateful for a truck and a motorcycle would have been better. I can see why the elders ride bikes because it is much easier to navigate the town. They will be in such great shape when they finish their missions. Our first contact was not home so we walked up the road and talked to one inactive member and her non-member relative that lived next door. We then visited with Brother James and his non-member son who is having the discussions
The Port Antonio Elder's apartment |
Loading tin and lumber for the service project |
Picking up Elder Humphries and Elder Danvers |
Removing dirt off the road for a member in the Branch |
. Brother James is the branch mission leader. He is the one who lost four of his toes due to diabetes. After driving the elders home at 9:30, we went back to our hotel.
Sunday morning we drove to the branch for our 3 hour block. Before Sacrament meeting was over, the place was filled to capacity. Both Brian and I were asked to bear our testimonies. The talks given were really good. I decided to visit Primary. The room was small and it was also filled to capacity. They do not have a keyboard in the room so we just sang an opening and closing song. They give a lesson first and then do sharing time. They also played a game with the children which they seemed to really enjoy. The children signed their names to a card for a little boy that got hit by a car in front of the school. After the block, we asked the elders if there was anything they needed for us to do, but they were going to be involved with meetings so we decided to head back to Ocho.
Some of the Primary children in the Port Antonio Branch |
Mother Dear, I love the blog. It is so fun to read and see the pictures. Keep it up. (It looks really cute by the way! :)) Love you.