Friday, 18 July 2014


Yesterday we visited Highgate.  The sisters called and wanted to know if we would like to go with them and we jumped at the chance since we have not visited that area, mainly because we don't know where anyone lives.  There used to be a branch it Highgate but it was dissolved.  Unfortunately, these people live an hour from the Ocho Branch and most of them have to travel by taxi.  If they bring their children with them, it becomes very expensive.  One of the sisters that we visited is very poor.  I am not sure how she survives.  Her daughter died of cancer so she is raising her two grandchildren.  Her grandson is only 14 and he was kicked out of school for smoking pot.  She is very worried about him.  She tries to come to church once a month if she can save up enough money for a taxi. The older sister lives with her children but does not come to church.  We usually visit for a while, sing a hymn with them, have a prayer and give them a message.  Their lives are so hard!  We encourage them and try to give them words of comfort, and then close with prayer.  Sisters in Jamaica do not visit teach.  The concept is very foreign to them.  They could bring a lot of comfort to each other if they would implement this program in their lives.

We also visited with the second counselor in the branch presidency and  his wife.  They are an older couple and he is retired Jamaican military.  They have a nice home.  They gave us a little history of the Highgate Branch.  She used to be the Relief Society president and he was a branch president.  As we were getting ready to leave, she offered us a Mango drink.  Talk about good.  They have a farm in the back of their home where they grow root crops and bananas and mangos.  They sell them and use them for food.  They are a very nice couple.

We had to hurry back so we could get our truck and the sister's truck inspected. The office elders had a brother from the area office in the Dominican Republic there to inspect them.  As it was, we were about 15 minutes late getting back.  

Today we visited with Sister L and her daughters M and E.  We had a great visit and they gave us some history on Ocho.  They have been long time members.  This was our second visit to their home.  We hadn't met E and that was the main reason we went.  We were hoping her daughters would be there.   I really enjoy visiting with them.  Sister L had eye surgery and it left her blind in one eye.  She has a catarac on the other eye and so she have a very difficult time seeing.  She also has diabetes and that doesn't help with her eye problem. 

We stopped at the grocery store to buy a few things and then headed home for lunch.  We had an appointment at 6:00 in Galina with a member that use to be the branch president in Highgate.  He is inactive but wants his children to be baptized so we will probably have the sisters work with them.  He was  very pleasant to talk to and  he knows the church is true.  He just needs to get his life in order.   I hope he will come back.

Tomorrow we are heading for Port Antonio.  We will stay the night and attend church in that branch.

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