Monday morning we waited for the plumber to come and fix our faucet. He was not able to find the parts he needed so he said that he would come on Wednesday. Right after we left for our monthly trip to Kingston for our FHE, Blossom called to tell us that he had found the part. She didn't want us to turn around and wondered if it would be okay for him to fix the sink if the condo supervisor stayed with him the whole time. We told her that would be fine. The supervisor tried to open our door but the lock was stuck so Blossom called us back to tell us that the plumber would come on Wednesday.
Sister Wege was in charge of dinner and choose to do a potato bar. Our assignment was drinks. We got to watch "Meet the Mormons" as President Brown was given a copy. I really enjoyed it - especially the last story. It shows the reach and power of the atonement. After FHE we went back to the Whiteheads and spent the night. They only have one more month in Jamaica and I am really going to miss them.
Tuesday morning, Elder Whitehead made pancakes and Sister Vance came down to visit while Elder Vance was getting ready for the day. After Elder and Sister Vance left, we took off with the Whiteheads to check a restaurant supply place so that we could order some items for the St. Ann's Infirmary. The store was kind of like Gigi's Restaurant Supply so I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the items that they had. We drove back to the Constant Springs Ward and visited with Sister Wege for a minute and they said our goodbyes and headed to Pricesmart for some grocery buying. We got home in time to put the groceries away and then we picked up the elders so that we could go with them to an investigator's home. The gentleman that we visited was such a delight. He and his wife have been married for 61 years. They both are very involved with charity efforts. She is a member of the Kiwanas and had a meeting so she didn't stay. She is a Baptist but he doesn't go to church with her. I always have such a good feeling when I am doing missionary work. After we got home, Sister Mouritson and Sister Garrett came over so that Brian could give them each a blessing as Sister Mouritson was leaving for Nassau to be the district leader over four sisters and Sister Garret was getting a new companion. I will really miss Sister Mouritson. She has been a great missionary.
Wednesday I spent the morning working on my seminary lesson. We didn't have district meeting because it was transfer day. We were not involved with transfers this time. I taught my lesson at 4:00 and then we headed out to Huddersfield to drop off some clothes that Sister Pearson had given me for any little girls in the branch. While I was teaching seminary, Sister Garrett came in with her new companion, Sister Thompson. She is Jamaican and I am excited to work with her. I understand she is a terrific missionary.
Thursday morning we studied for seminary and then Brian and I headed to the branch so that we could visit with one of our members. After the visit we made a couple of visits and then picked up Rohan and headed out to Brother Barbagee's for branch presidency meeting. I got to visit with Sister Barbagee while they were having their meeting. She served us some cornmeal pudding that was kind of like a dense cake with spices and raisins. I really liked it. She told me that she cooked it on the stove first and then baked it. She also told me about some of the foods that she likes to cook. Goat head and cow head are very popular here. They take out all the eyes and brains so that what you have is bone and meat. It makes for a flavor full broth. She also loves chicken feet and cows foot and they make soups with these parts. They really do not let anything go to waste. She told me that the cow feet cook faster in the pressure cooker. They cut of the toe nails and then slice up the foot. I find that most of the women really like to cook and they are good at it. They always wash their meat and fish in either lime or vinegar. They are pretty careful how they cook. After the meeting we hurried back to the branch so that Brian could teach institute. Mark had told me that he couldn't come on Thursday so I didn't have to worry about teaching. I thought I would be teaching the 6:00 class but Jahleem was sick and Raheem didn't come - probably because his brother wasn't coming. We didn't get home until almost 9:00.
This morning I worked on my YW's lesson while Brian did various odds and ends. We made a couple of visits and headed down to the branch to pick up a check for one of our sisters. We had an early dinner and then headed back to the branch for our weekly missionary correlation meeting.
President Brown's son Jarom being held by his oldest brother Jonathan. |
Kimolie and her little 5 lb. girl who is only a week old. |
Every time we go out to Brother Barbagee's, we pass this house. They have removed most of the dirt surrounding it. We are curious to see what they are going to do with it. |
The happy couple. Unfortunately, the picture was a little blurry. |
I find that most of the women really like to cook and they are good at it. They always wash their meat and fish in either lime or vinegar. They are pretty careful how they cook. After the meeting we hurried back to the branch so that Brian could teach institute. Mark had told me that he couldn't come on Thursday so I didn't have to worry about teaching. I thought I would be teaching the 6:00 class but Jahleem was sick and Raheem didn't come - probably because his brother wasn't coming. We didn't get home until almost 9:00.
This morning I worked on my YW's lesson while Brian did various odds and ends. We made a couple of visits and headed down to the branch to pick up a check for one of our sisters. We had an early dinner and then headed back to the branch for our weekly missionary correlation meeting.