Saturday was a fun filled day at Mystic Mountain with the senior couples and Sister Wege. We were originally going to go to Port Antonio for a river raft on the Rio Grande but there was a 60% chance of rain so we decided that Mystic Mountain was a better option. I experienced my first ever zip line. It was fun but not as exciting as the bobsled run. I also loved the chair lift with it's beautiful view of the ocean and Ocho Rios. After our excursion, we all headed back to Ocho where we all stopped for a bite to eat at our favorite Chinese restaurant. Before going home, we stopped to pick up some bread for the sacrament and then headed up to Lime Hall for a badly needed truck wash. Last Monday while we were parked in Ocho, a bottle of pop hit the road and pop sprayed all over the truck so it was looking pretty bad.
Sunday Brian dropped the bread off at the branch and then came home to pick me up so that we could travel to Kingston for President and Sister Brown's baby blessing. It was fun to go to a ward where there were actually families sitting together. It was a good sized ward. The blessing was beautiful. President Brown is a very spiritual man. After the blessing we headed back to Ocho. The sisters called us to let us know that Sister Llewellan was in the hospital so we drove up to see her and then headed for the branch so Brian could meet with Brother and Sister Sorenson and Brother Singh for clerk training. I had a nice visit with Sister Sorenson. This is their second mission.
Monday we did our typical P-day routine of wash and defrost and then headed down to Kingston for FHE.
The Halls were in charge. Everyone brought their own meat plus a side dish for the dinner and then Elder and Sister Hall gave a lesson and had an activity of roll playing for all of us to do. We all said our goodbyes to Elder and Sister Whitehead and met their new replacement, Elder and Sister Summers. It was hard to say goodbye to the Whiteheads as they are such a wonderful couple. We have had a lot of fun doing some humanitarian projects with them. We spent the night at the Whiteheads. Elder and Sister Summers are staying with Sister Wege until Friday and then the Summers will move into the Whitehead's apartment.
Before going back to Ocho, we ate breakfast with the Whiteheads and Summers and then headed to Pricesmart. It was fun to buy frozen vegetable and frozen fruit to put in our little 2 ft. by 2 ft. freezer at home. We should have bought the freezer months ago. I purchased 5 lbs. of butter as it is about $2.00 a lb. cheaper at Pricesmart. We traveled a new route on the way back to Ocho. We got on a road called Red Hills and continued on it until we got to Sligoville Road. It was high in the hills and we had a beautiful view of Kingston. The road was in excellent shape but somewhat windy. The Chinese are going to build an overpass road near the Bog Walk so the Bog Walk is going to be closed and this will be the alternate route into Kingston. The road comes out just past the Flat Bridge and completely bypasses Spanish Town. I am not sure it is any faster but mileage wise, it is shorter. There was not a lot of traffic on it so that was a plus.
When we got home, we unloaded groceries and ate lunch. Brian headed to the branch while I studied and fixed dinner.
Brian and I sitting in the chair lift with the Vances. |
Overlooking Ocho Rios from the Mystic Mountain Tower. |
The top of the tower. |
Looking towards Montego Bay from the tower. |
Lunch at the Chinese restaurant. From left to right, Brian, Elder Whitehead, Sister Whitehead, Sister Wege, Sister Vance, Elder Vance, Elder Hall and Sister Hall. |
President and Sister Brown with friends and family after the baby blessing. |
The bobsled ride! |
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